Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga plays an important role for maintaining healthy skin. Shrinking of skins, pimples, wrinkles in face, looking aged and stiffness are refreshed and skin begins to bloom.

Weight Loss
Yoga is one of the best total body exercises. It is natural healthy way to reduce weight without any risk. Yoga helps to reduce belly fat and keep your abs strong.

Yoga poses and breathing techniques increase blood circulation to inner organs that helps to prevent you from heart diseases. It reduces the risk of heart attack. Yoga helps to reduce high and low blood pressure.

Sexual Disorder
Yoga helps to correct semen disorders like Impotency, Spermatorrhoea and Phosphataria. It corrects enlargement of testicles in men. Nervous system and muscles around the pelvic region gets regenerated.

Yoga Poses dissolves the formation of stones in kidneys urinary bladder and urethra. It prevents you from kidney disorders.

A person suffers from Lumbago and spondylosis practise yoga poses daily, their pain and burning sensations are disappear very quickly.

Back Pain
Back muscles pain and lumbar pain are destroyed. Lower back and upper back are disappear within a month while practising yoga poses regularly.

Practising Yoga poses will help pregnant women for natural childbirth at the time of delivery. Yoga poses makes your body healthy at the period of pregnancy. Stop practising yoga after three months of pregnancy.

 Eye sight becomes clear and sharp. Practising Yoga poses regularly prevent from spreading diseases that cause eye problems.


Written by Admin

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